Hi, I am

Daniyal M

  • Data Analyst

  • Biz Risk Professional

  • AI Enthusiast

  • Product Designer

  • Data Developer

I love to solve problems

through Products and Data.

  • Python

  • SQL

  • LLM APIs

  • Metabase

  • Big Query

  • Data Studio

  • Power BI

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Javascript

  • Figma

About Me

With over 14 years of experience, I'm a seasoned Data Analyst and Business Risk professional dedicated to unlocking the potential of data and mitigating business risks.

I specialize in transforming raw data into actionable insights by leveraging cutting-edge analytics, machine learning, and adaptive technologies. My track record includes spearheading pivotal projects, developing robust frameworks, and delivering data-driven solutions that redefine operational efficiency. I excel in exceeding objectives through innovative strategies and informed decision-making.


Legis Bot

Currently in development through my community initiative Data Sherlocks. It's an agentic AI App powered by LLM and context trained on Pakistan’s law. This app answer any query regarding any law in Pakistan. The prototype won first prize at Build with AI Hackathon in 2024 sponsored by Google Gemini.

BI Copilot

An AI LLM powered copilot that assist in SQL Query writing. The tool take complete database schema as input and convert natural language queries into SQL code, View demo.


pieSparrow is a Python library which lets you build beautiful HTML front end dashboards directly from Python without and knowledge of HTML,CSS or Javascript. Available publicly through pip, Visit website.

Contact Me
